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Niklas Luhmann

  • a German sociologists, who was a prolific note-taker
  • Realized that notes are only as useful as its context - the network of associations, relationships and connections to other information
  • He often found himself surprised by his notes, and found himself communicating with the database of notes and develop new ideas
  • The system is made up of index cards (zettel) that could extend infinitely in any direction, each idea lives on one index card
  • And subsequent idea that is part of the same topic is put on another index card, but it is tracked through a numbering system
  • When the idea branches from one, he would add a suffix letter to the number
  • So each index card has a unique number and that is associated with many other cards
  • He said he only did what was easy, and published 58 books, which meant that because he already had all the notes writing long-form to him was easy